Nieuws uit Schingen
Two teachers from Duluth, Michael Emerson and Joseph Schingen, are still in the running, along with Jill Hansen, a teacher at Hermantown Middle School. The 23-person panel will review the semi-finalists' portfolios again in late March and will choose ...
“That's something she talked about a lot,” Kelli McLoud-Schingen said. “She didn't necessarily mean singing on stage but just singing. I came across a recording of her, as she was talking and singing with some friends in someone's living room, and I ...
Actress brings Lady Day to life in new production
Die Gastcaller Uli Schingen und Philipp Kamm sorgten mit anspruchsvoller, aber immer unterhaltender Choreografie für strahlende Gesichter unter den Gästen. Durch das Programm des 35. „Schwäbisch Jubilee“ führte Clubcaller Thomas Maihöfer.
SCHINGEN-SLAPPETERP – Wiebe Kaspers trapt zondag 18 oktober vanaf 15.00 uur de concerten af bij het TerpenTheater in het dorpshuis van Schingen-Slappeterp. Dat is de eerste activiteit van een reeks van vier die gedurende het winterseizoen door het ...
Wiebe Kaspers trapt theaterconcerten af in <b>Schingen</b>-Slappeterp
"Interesting for us was that both clutches of the same pair comprised malformed offspring, which indicates that this probably did not happen coincidentally," said Mona van Schingen, a reptile expert at the University of Cologne in Germany and co-author ...
Rare case of conjoined lizard twins reported at zoo
"Interesting for us was that both clutches of the same pair comprised malformed offspring, which indicates that this probably did not happen coincidentally," said Mona van Schingen, a reptile expert at the University of Cologne in Germany and co-author ...
Rare Case of Conjoined Lizard Twins Reported at Zoo
Foto's van Schingen
Postcode van Schingen
8816 HT
8816 HV
8816 HW
8816 HX
8816 HZ
Hotel Pension Oppe Klincke Hotel Pension Oppe Klincke
Franekerweg 6
8808 HA Dongjum
Hotel Restaurant De Stadsherberg Hotel Restaurant De Stadsherberg
Oud Kaatsveld 8
8801 AB Franeker
Tulip Inn Franeker Tulip Inn Franeker
Hertog van Saxenlaan 78
8802 PP Franeker